Robert Henri – American Portrait Artist and Teacher

Robert Henri (1865 – 1929) was an American painter and teacher and a leading figure of the Ashcan School of American realism. The Ashcan school was a moment away from impressionism and focused more on realistic art which would be more relevant to the artist’s time and experience. Henri became a influential art teacher emphasizing more the attitude to their approach to art. His works comprise many portraits including those of his fellow painters. Our collection of Robert Henri patterns includes many of his most recognized works including Salone, Mary Agnes, Woman in Manteau, Irish Boy, La Reina Mora, the Goat Herder, El Tango, Viv in Blue Stripes, Segovian Girl , Roshanara, Patience, as well as several landscapes.

Patterns Included In This Set

Snow in New York


Mary Agnes

Woman in Manteau

The Dancer

Figure in Motion

Tan Gam

The Beach Hat

Mata Moana



Sissy in Yellow

Portrait of Willie Gee

Spanish Dancing Girl

La Reina Mora

El Tango

Dutch Joe (Jopie van Slouten)

La Madrilmeta 2


Portrait of Mary Fanton Roberts

Irish Boy (Thomas Cafferty)

O in Black with Scarf

Jessica Penn in Black with White Plumes

Miss Kagi Waki

Berna Escudero

The Bishop

Boy in Blue Overalls


Fay Banter

The Goat herder

La Madrilmeta

The Laundress

Lily Cow and the Queen

Mildred-O Hat

Miss Jessica Penn



Portrait of Katie McNamara


Segovian Girl

Ship in the Bay

Viv in Blue Stripes

Spanish Girl

Upper Hudson