Clowns amuse us with their big smiles, zany antics, stylistic makeup, and colorful costumes. They’re associated with circuses, carnivals, parades, and other public events where they are sure to bring a smile to everyone’s face from young to old. Our SegPlayPC set includes 21 patterns which show clowns at their funniest: playing with dogs, carrying an overflowing suitcase, riding a unicycle, blowing noise makers, juggling, shadow boxing, and hiding in boxes. You’ll definitely enjoy coloring their tacky costumes and humorous gags.
Patterns Included In This Set
Traveling Clown
Accordian Player
Sad Clown
Party Clown
Fishing Clown
Marching Clown
Clown with Daisy
Clown with Candy Cane
Clown in Horse Costume
Jack in the Box
Wind up Clown
Clown and Dog
Snake Charming Clown
Clown on Unicycle
Clown in Box
Hawaiian Clown
Waving Clown
Clown with Mask
Shadown Boxing Clown
Ice Cream Clown
This set can be purchased in the SegPlay PC store.